Borghese Gallery
Children-Friendly Tours

Planning a family visit to the Borghese Gallery

Ticket information for families

Families should book Borghese Gallery kid-friendly tours in advance to ensure availability, especially since the gallery allows a limited number of visitors per time slot. Various ticket options cater to different needs, such as language preferences and accessibility. Children of all ages (up to 18 years old) can enter the gallery for free.

Best times to visit with kids

To experience the Borghese Gallery with minimal crowds, it is recommended to select times when the gallery is less busy. Weekday mornings or late afternoons are usually the optimal times to visit. Additionally, planning your visit during off-peak seasons can lead to a more relaxed tour for both parents and children.

Tour duration and itinerary

A typical tour can last around 2 hours, an ideal duration for young visitors. The itinerary should balance highlights with entertaining stories to keep children engaged throughout the Borghese Gallery tour experience. Incorporating breaks and interactive elements can significantly enhance the visit for kids.

Borghese Gallery & Park Guided Tour for Kids and Families


4 reviews

Discover the wonders of Rome's Borghese Gallery, Museum, and Park with an exciting guided tour tailored specifically for families and kids. This immersive experience combines art, culture, and nature to captivate young minds. Engage in interactive activities and enjoy a memorable journey through history, all while making learning fun and accessible for children.


  • Kid-friendly activities & interactive learning
  • Access to the Borghese Gallery
  • Expert tour guide
  • Small group

Best price:


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Engaging children in a Borghese Gallery visit

Introducing children to the world of fine arts can often be challenging, yet the Borghese Gallery provides an ideal environment for fostering a youthful appreciation of art through engaging, family-friendly experiences.

Interactive tour options

The Borghese Gallery is renowned not only for its stunning art collection but also for its innovative approach in captivating the interests of young audiences. Tours designed specifically for children often incorporate interactive elements to help bring the artworks to life. One can find tours tailored for kids, which may use storytelling to recount the fascinating tales behind Bernini's expressive sculptures or Caravaggio's dramatic paintings. Engaging narratives surrounding the mythological themes depicted in Titian's works can spark a child's imagination and make the experience much more than a simple walk through a gallery.

Educational activities

There are also a variety of educational activities that seek to immerse children in the experience of art appreciation at the Borghese Gallery. Activities like scavenger hunts prompt children to observe details in the artwork of Raphael closely, promoting both entertainment and educational enrichment. Additionally, hands-on creative workshops allow young ones to connect with the art they've seen by making their own masterpieces, teaching them about the techniques and stories of the artists and their times. These activities aim to leave a lasting impact, encouraging children to explore their own creative potential.

FAQs and tips

What suitable activities are there for young children at the Borghese Gallery?
How can I get tickets for a family visit to the Borghese Gallery?
How much do kids pay to visit the Borghese Gallery?
Are there any age restrictions for children visiting the Borghese Gallery?
Is it recommended to take a guided tour when visiting the Borghese Gallery with children?
How much time should families allocate for a tour through the Borghese Gallery?
Are there specific days when entry to the Borghese Gallery is complimentary for families?